Program for


Why Learn English?

I want my kids to learn english because I want them to:

Levelling System

There are 4 levels on teens category available at ESC

Pre-teens 1-3

Start preparing for more advanced English and public speaking skills.

Teens Starter, Teens 1-3

Learn English through projects and be the next SpeakUp Generation

Academic Program

Academic english project-based learning and sharpen their english and critical thinking skills for higher education, international tests, and competitions. TOEFL iBT infused with Project-based Learning.

High Academic Program

At this level, they're ready to implement their academic skills in professional forums. ESC will facilitate students to apply their skills based on their needs.

What will you get?

Build Confidence

Activities in our classes will help students gain more confidence in speaking english.

Applied Learning

Students will constantly be exposed with real world situation to apply what they learn in class.

Active Learning

Students will actively participate in classes as our activities include roleplay, games, personal coach, in-class debates.

Project, mindmapping, public speaking

Hone critical thinking skills since early age by making projects, mindmapping, and public speaking.

What our alumni say


Rafael Damar

Chemical Engineering Double Degree from UI and Curtin University



Samantha Megan

Newcastle University Graduate (UK) & Consultant at UK


Dari ESC, saya belajar public speaking dari umur yang sangat belia melalui presentasi project yang harus dilakukan di setiap akhir level. Hal tersebut membuat saya lebih percaya diri dan mendukung prestasi saya dimana saya beberapa kali terpilih untuk menjadi perwakilan sekolah dalam ajang kompetisi


Vania C

Mahasiswa Berprestasi at Universitas Indonesia

Pre-teens 1 - TOEFL iBT

Project2 di ESC bukan hanya menantang saya untuk percaya diri dan menguasai bahasa inggris, namun juga melatih kemampuan berpikir kritis saya. Manfaatnya sangat terasa saat saya di bangku kuliah dimana fondasi yang kuat sejak dini memampukan saya untuk meraih banyak sekali prestasi.

Free Session with our English Consultant!

Want to start your journey, but still hesitating? Please fill in this form and we’ll set a FREE CONSULTATION with our English Consultant!