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Posted on        : Friday, Jun 3 2022, 15:43:12

592 Reads
Nowadays gaming Youtubers have become popular, and one of the memorable quotes that I like came from a Youtuber named ClownPierce. He said, “the most precious resource is content, not precious items in the game.” I believe this quote reflects his videos a lot, and what makes ClownPierce one of the famous Youtubers out there. Through his content, he can make his video as entertaining as possible. This article will show you why watching the ClownPierce video makes our bad day into a better day. Who is Clownpierce? Before we move on, let’s get to know ClownPierce a bit better. ClownPierce is a Dutch gaming YouTuber, usually on Twitch and YouTube. He never revealed his face, using a clown avatar instead. He is known for being one of the best PvP players on a game called Minecraft. In minecraft, you can create your own world or play other people’s worlds, called in-game as ‘servers’. One of the play styles you can do there is Player vs Player, also known as PvP, where you eliminate other players in a server until you win. ClownPierce started out by making these kinds of PvP videos, gaining popularity. Then, On August 9, 2021, he joined Life steal SMP, a minecraft server with a lot of youtuber where they game together. There, he became the best player and gained a lot of subscribers. Get your best entertainment Now, there are a lot of minecraft youtubers, but what makes ClownPierce different? Well, first of all, he is entertaining. He once made a video where he joined a faction server and took down a whole team by himself; he also made a video of him fighting 35 players on a server. His latest one was making a dueling video. His skills impress me, and make me want to adapt his tricks for myself. Therefore I can learn a lot of things just from watching him. Never be outdated ClownPierce is also always up-to-date to the trend. When ClownPierce had just started, PvP in minecraft was only starting to be known. So ClownPierce wants to make it more popular by joining the PvP community, streaming, and making epic videos. That attracts more and more people to play PvP in minecraft. He entertains his audience and popularizes his style of gaming. Like ClownPierce, I too, want to be up to date with my life. If I learn something new and interesting and useful, I want to learn as much as I can to be ahead of everyone else. Be inspired, get inspired in return The 3rd reason is that he makes epic and enjoyable videos to entertain his viewers. He was inspired by big youtubers like Dream or Technoblade and uses that inspiration to make his own content. Now, he inspires ME to make content. I started making youtube videos because of him. Because Clownpierce always wants to be the best, I also want to be the best I can be. Conclusion In summary, CP videos have good content, epic videos, and are enjoyable to watch. Therefore, CP is one of the best MC players in the world. From him, I am encouraged to get excitement and skills from whatever I do, be inspired and try to make my own things. So if you need refreshment and excitement and you love Minecraft, watch ClownPierce. Written by: Justin Tio Sarwono Author’s Profile Justin is an 11 year old boy who’s very interested in gaming. He is often seen gaming or watching cooking & gaming Youtube videos. He’s inspired to be a good Minecraft content creator. His usual hobby is Lego-building but his dream job is to be a gaming content creator.