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Creator          : ESC

Posted on        : Friday, Jun 3 2022, 15:44:47

606 Reads


By Andrew JC When we ask about our opinion on technology, we are actually asking: Is it ruining our lives? Or is it improving it? I opt it?s ruining our lives, and here are the reasons why. Making people lazy So you all know that technology is continuing to advance, what do you think it will end up with? Flying cars? floating cities? magnets everywhere? We even already have machines that can control a computer using our hand movements! There?s no limit to what technology can do. When people find out about automatic inventions, they continue to invent technology that can do daily things, and make people lazy. An example is self driving cars, you can just lay down on the driver seat while the car drives itself! But it could be worse! If we have automation in everything, once we have an error in the system, it will be our downfall. With the self-driving car, for example, if it loses control, it could crash on the road! Malfunctioning technology Continuing from reason 1, it?s actually very easy for technology to go wrong. Careless coding or even the smallest input on the machine can cause total malfunction and can result in explosion or different codes. This will affect AIs, also known as Artificial Intelligence, which are used in computers or machines to operate itself. It uses various codings that make it quite difficult to make. AI can have several glitches which can end up with the entire machine breaking and instead of the programmed commands it will come out differently. This leads to a possibility that AI machines are going wrong and bringing chaos to the human world. Causes deaths Finally, technology has caused death, and will continue to do so. Such an example is the Manhattan project, the creator of Fat man and Little Boy, also known as the bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

There?s even more to it! Guns like the M4A1, tanks like the King Tiger and planes like the F-22 Raptor all pose a threat to human life and they come from human innovation. With so much death, are we going to trust technology? Conclusion To reiterate, here are the three reasons why technology is bad: they make people lazy, they might malfunction, and they destroy lives. Be aware of what will happen in the future. Technology might save us or it might turn on us and wipe out our species as human kinds. Written by: Andrew JC Author?s profile Andrew is a 10 year old boy currently in 5th grade. He won over 10 trophies in his younger years and can be found watching history videos, coding, and playing with his dogs in his free time. He?s aspiring to be a historian-coder in the future.